Theology & Philosophy of Missions
Missions is the crossing of barriers from church to non-church, faith to non-faith to proclaim by word and deed, through the power and work of the Holy Spirit the coming of the Kingdom of God in Jesus Christ.
The Church participates in God's mission of reconciling people to God, to themselves, to each other and to the world. This involves gathering and incorporating them into the fellowship of the Church by repentance and faith in Jesus Christ and equipping them for discipleship and missions.
Missions Promotion
The Eastern Ontario & Nunavut District coordinates closely with our Global Workers, Mission Canada Workers, and the National Office when it comes to promoting missions.
When an EOND Global Worker/family comes home for a visit, we do our best to help connect them to our churches. Hosting a Global Worker or Mission Canada Worker benefits your church in several ways. It gives your congregation the opportunity to hear real-life stories and powerful testimonies firsthand. Connecting with our Global Workers and Mission Canada Workers also offers them the opportunity to build relationships and hopefully raise financial support for their ministry. If you would like them to come and speak at your church, please call us, and we will do our best to connect you.
For more information regarding PAOC Missions, please visit our National website at: www.paoc.org/missions
We are grateful for our many Global Workers/families that serve the Lord in many remote parts of the world. The congregations throughout EOND continue to offer substantial resources and support for global missions. New Global Workers are being deployed, while others have been on the field for several years. Many of our EOND Global Workers are familiar faces and are considered "family", as they itinerate within our EOND churches on a regular basis to raise missions’ awareness. To learn more about our Global Workers please click on the names listed below.
Bonita Abrams
Dan & Donna Davies
Colin & Dorselie Gittens
John & Ruth Kerr
Les & Lois Paulsen
William & Elveera Redwood
Scott & Melissa
Cal & June Anthony
Peter & Pat DeWit
Wayne and Ann Hilsden
Paul & Lynn Kohls
Gary & Marilyn Skinner
Daniel & Jennifer
Linda Duncalfe
Stephen & Rebecca K.
TJ & Sarah Laplante
Amar & Nadira Ram
Peter & Ishani
The RAN Network serves as one of the 5 Regions of PAOC International Missions, and carries a unique mandate to place personnel among Unreached Peoples in Restricted contexts. Please connect with RAN to find opportunities that exist for engagement in this part of Christ's Kingdom.
Please click the link to view our website: www.rannetwork.com
The Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada is a missions' organization. Even before its charter early in the last century, missionaries were deployed to far away lands. Today there are more than 250 missionaries in about 50 different countries of the world sharing the love of Jesus with multiplied thousands of people! The evolution of missions has brought outstanding diversity to the ever-changing world.
Various agencies such as ERDO (Emergency Relief & Development Overseas) often partner with other relief organizations to respond to catastrophic disasters and other needs around the world. One of the other needs is ChildCARE Plus, the sponsorship initiative of ERDO. This ministry is committed to sharing Christ's love with children in need around the world. ChildCARE Plus assists children to escape the burden of poverty through access to education, nutrition, clean water and healthcare. This program is unique because each child is specifically chosen by a missionary or local administrator working in the community. These individuals are familiar with the needs of the families and the community; they know how to best meet those needs to give the child a future of hope.
For more information on ERDO, please visit: www.erdo.ca
If you would like to sponsor a child please email: ccp@erdo.ca or visit: www.erdo.ca/programs/childcareplus
Mission Canada serves the PAOC's districts and local churches, and the larger work of the Kingdom of God in the fulfillment of the Great Commandment and the Great Commission. PAOC leadership currently prioritizes the following as challenges for mission:
Urban Centres
Next Generation (Children, Youth, Campus)
First Nations
Quebec and Francophone Canada
Cultural Language Groups
Because we must be obedient to Jesus' command to "make disciples of all nations".
Because we must be diligent to care for people who are far from God - regardless of race, age, gender or geography - beginning at home. Because we must be true to the essential nature of the Church - we have been sent and empowered by God to be agents of His reconciliation with humankind. Because without our contribution, the mission of Christ is diminished in its effectiveness.
Mission Canada (PAOC) partners with the districts and local churches of the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada to impact our nation with the Gospel. Together we have this call. Together we have this opportunity. Together we have this urgent responsibility.
Because we must...
- reach Canadians with the good news of Jesus when they are most receptive... as children.
- help build healthy Christian families who can function in the face of the internal and external pressures society places on them today.
- challenge adolescents to embrace God's design for their lives in a culture where anything that is identified as "spiritual" is worth considering.
- plant churches and create new types of ministries within the borders of our cities, where 80% of Canadians now live.
- influence the beliefs and values of the 1.7 million post-secondary students who gather on Canada's campuses to prepare for their roles as tomorrow's world-shapers. About 7%, or 70,000 are international students who have the potential to be Christian leaders upon returning home.
- advance the gospel in the province of Quebec, where less than 1% of its 7.6 million people regularly attend an evangelical church. PAOC churches who partner with churches in Quebec help strengthen existing ministries and new church plants.
- develop Christian First Nations leaders who will lead and plant churches, and model godly lifestyles to the families within their communities, whether on reserves or in cities. Faced with an array of social ills, the gospel is their only true hope.
- help the quarter million people who immigrate to Canada each year and find their place in a new land and their place in the Kingdom of God.
- build communities of faith among the 300,000 deaf people across the land. Three out of four Canadians either work with or live with someone who is deaf or has hearing loss.
- keep our eyes, ears and hearts open to the vast spiritual needs and opportunities that arise around us each day.
Adapted from: "Why Should I Care About Canada?", Mission Canada brochure.
For more information on Mission Canada, please visit: www.paoc.org/canada or email: missioncanada@paoc.org
David Burke
Leigh-Ann Davidson
Jeff Snow
Dan Collado
Mission Canada Indigenous Peoples Worker Associate - Nationwide
JP Gopalan
Ejay Tupe
Scott Couper
Aimee Heyer
Mission Canada Next Gen & Families Worker - Peterborough